Friday, 29 July 2011

Breakfast the Two-Hundredth

Fruit & Fibre and an apple.
There was a young lady who swallowed a fly... I say young, but my colleague informed me today that by medieval standards I am positively aged. Anyway...

There was a young lady who swallowed a fly,
I know just why,
She swallowed a fly - she was breathing with her mouth open whilst cycling, because pollen blocks her nose, and it flew right in.
I don't suppose she'll die - but it is none the less, quite, quite yucky.

Actually, I didn't swallow it so much as inhale it. It's probably buzzing around in one of my lungs even now, looking for a way out.

I didn't have such problems when I cycled to and from work at home. The midges were so bad I had to wear a midge net over my helmet (under was not comfortable), which made me look like some weird mushroom-headed alien out of a 1980s episode of Dr Who.

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