Saturday 4 February 2012

What if...

Whilst looking for a photo of a Robin I came across this on the Beeb. Didn't know that about postmen and Christmas cards...

Yesterday I was watching a Robin bobbing around under the bird table when a Blackbird came along and chased him away. Then I wondered how the poor Robin would have felt if an Eagle had come along. It's incredible really how there's such variation in size across the same genre of animal.

Imagine if that were true for humans; if one day you could encounter a person who was to you as an Eagle is to a Robin. I suppose that happens on a metaphorical level from time-to-time, like when you meet someone of towering intellect who is also about a hundred times better-looking than you, and ten times as funny.

Still, at least there's some room for denial here. If, however, you were genuinely to encounter someone forty times bigger than you, there would be no deluding your way out of it.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I was on holiday and then injured (shoulder all messed up); computers have been (and remain) something of a challenge--most especially use of the mouse, because I am absurdly right-handed, and this is the not-really-functioning side.

P.P.S. I forgot to take a photo this morning. You merely missed a bowl of doppelganger shreddies.

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