Toast with strawberry jam; toast with bramble jam and two clementines. |
One of the great disadvantages of living in the cold north is the chilblains. Of course I do all the wrong things: plunging my icy feet into hot baths, warming them on my hotwater bottle at night, practically putting them in the fire in the evenings. Still, even when I try my very hardest to avoid such temptations I seem to suffer from them. I feel like I've fallen out of the wrong century. It doesn't seem to be a very modern affliction. Though I suppose most people nowadays aren't obliged to wear five layers indoors.
I'm getting a little concerned here - it seems to be mainly either toast or shredded wheat for breakfast these days. And the bread looks no where near as good as what you were sourcing when you were further south. In addition, you missed a breakfast this month!! I hope you'll be able to make up for these breakfasts with something like what you had in breakfast 251 (the full breakfast).