Thursday 5 January 2012


A live orchid that was not left in my care(lessness).
Still no sign of the card reader for the breakfast pictures, and ... five days into 2012 and one of my resolutions (better blogger) has already fallen by the wayside.

In other news, it turns out that the clips that were holding the orchid that I forgot to water on to its supporting canes are actually rather good hair grips. I think they call this a silver lining. Not sure that my father would agree (he was rather vexed to discover that I had killed just about all of the house plants in his absence). It's just when its pouring with rain outside, one rather forgets that it isn't raining indoors too. In fact, in parts of our house it does also rain indoors -- but there are no plants there. Worse luck. Mea Culpa. Hortus Siccus. Amo, Amas, Amat.

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