Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

That's right, I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, I've just been a useless blogger. Partly this is down to a surfeit of fun (and a minor bout of ill health that saw me go entirely breakfastless) and partly because, the longer I left it, the more daunting the task of smooshing together all my photos in a easily viewable form became...

As you will notice, I have not risen to the task, nor -- let's be realistic, am I likely to. Instead, I promise to be a diligent photo uploader and blogger in 2012: it will be my resolution. You'll just have to imagine what I've been eating for the last fortnight or so. I will say, there were a goodly number of Weetabix.

I'm sitting by the fire now gearing up to a play a game of 1981 edition Trivial Pursuit with some friends in which we will all be equally disadvantaged because most of us weren't alive then.

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