Doppelganger shreddies, Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and Banana. |
Tomorrow is going to be the day that I break the cycle of shifting things from my floor to my bed during the day, and from my bed to my floor at night time. (It's been going on for at least a week now, and the pile to shift just keeps getting bigger.)
I wish I was the sort of person who put their clean clothes away as soon as they dried, and knew whether or not they were likely to wear today's jumper again tomorrow. Instead, these clothes, along with books, bank statements, phone chargers etc just accumulate until I crack and tidy it all up, swearing that this will be the last tidy up.
I have the same problem with my desk. I don't think it would matter how big my desk was, I'd always be convinced that if it were a little bigger, there would be enough space. Instead, I end up hemmed in by books, hole punchers, pens, and half-drunk cups of tea, with the available work space reduced to the size of a sheet of A4 paper.