Friday 16 September 2011

Breakfast the Two-Hundred-and-Forty-Ninth

Brown roll with peanutbutter and jam.
I committed sins against polar bears today and flew to London. (I will plant some trees in repentance).

I must say, it is a novelty flying with someone other than Squeazy Jet. We arrived 15 minutes early. And were fed and watered on board.

I had a lovely time cloud gazing.  Sometimes I find it impossible to believe that you couldn't just walk around on top of them. They look so inviting. I imagine you'd sink through the first layer, up to just below your knees, and you'd kick up whisps as you went on your way...

No doubt this obsession can be traced to my childhood duvets covers, which featured elephants and hippopotami reclining on fluffy clouds.

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