Thursday 1 September 2011

Breakfast the Two-Hundred-and-Thirty-Fourth

Vanilla yoghurt with blueberries and raspberries.
If you're in need of cheering, I can emphatically recommend going to bed with wet hair. I woke up looking gloriously leonine this morning. Until supper time, it was the high point of the day. And that's quite something for me -- I seldom start the day on a good note. It's the trauma of being torn prematurely from the feathery embrace of my bed. Oh to never set an alarm again...

1 comment:

  1. The best hairdo I ever achieved was going to bed with wet hair in a tent on a very hot and humid beach in Gujarat. I woke up looking just like Shirley Temple...only old. My Indian friends were stunned...but I still can't tap dance.
