Wednesday 7 December 2011

Breakfast the Three-Hundred-and-Thirty-First

Banana bread and apple puree.
I must say, all this breakfast numbering business is getting to be tedious. Pretty soon I'm going to exceed my numerical range. I think I may have to resort to a new titling system soon. Perhaps at the end of a year, which is coming around startlingly fast.

I'm entirely depressed after watching the last episode of Frozen Planet. And not just because I'll miss my weekly David Attenborough dates. The satellite images of the rate at which the ice caps are melting were just staggering. It's also deeply disturbing to think about the many countries clamouring to secure their claim on the Arctic while they wait for the ice to melt enough to permit the extraction of oil and gas. I think I ought to rig myself up to a giant hamster wheel and generate my own energy from now on.


  1. I love banana bread. Looks delicious :)

  2. Banan bread is one of the best cakes I've ever ate.

  3. Maybe siittig on an exercise bike/computer desk that runs the computer. You pedal as you write. Wonder if that would work? You should be able to just pedal from time to time and fill up the battery. There must be a snag or it would be being advertised as the ideal Christmas present , surely? I want one. Doesn't everyone?

  4. hope you are not blowing away. Scotland making windy news in South Carolina

  5. Excellent idea Louise, but who can we get to make one?!

    Not quite blown away. Thank you Dena. Headlines in North Carolina eh, it's the little (actually quite big) storm that could.

    Slyvvia and noresay, I'm glad you're fans of banana bread too.
