Tuesday 19 July 2011

Breakfast the One-Hundred-and-Nintieth

Special K, Honey Nut Cornflakes, yoghurt and blueberries.
I popped in to Tesco-not-so-Express this morning to quickly (so, I thought) grab a yoghurt, a banana and a packet of mini cheddars (nom nom) for my packed lunch. There was no one at the till so I had to use the self checkout, which invariably takes forever because the machines always have a strop if you're using your own bag (or in my case basket). And then of course you have to wait years until someone appears to coerce the machine out of its strop and tut tut you for putting your bag/basket in the wrong place.

Why can't shops have nicely dressed flunkies behind tills who mindlessly beep things through whilst commenting on the weather and asking about your weekend? Those bleepy machines and I don't mix. Especially when I have to select my fruit/veg from the touchscreen - my fingers are always cold, so it takes about three tries for the flaming thing to register that I've pressed it at all, and then of course I end up accidentally selecting a potato instead of a banana and it takes about ten minutes to undo all that. I suppose this is what I get for darkening the doors of a Tesco...


  1. I would judge you for going to Tesco if I didn't use the one just up the street from my office all the time...
