Monday 2 May 2011

Breakfast the One-Hundred-and-Thirteenth

Almond croissant and white hot chocolate (the cappuccino belongs
to Miss Ferguson who is a  proper coffee-drinking grown-up, unlike me).

I broke my cello bow today. Woopsy daisy. Not sure quite what happened. I'd just tightened it (not that tight) and the end snapped. Oh well. Perhaps it's a sort of right of passage. Maybe bow breaking is the first step towards becoming a virtuoso. A girl can hope.

Another thing a girl can hope for is that hippies start wearing deodorant. I don't care about heavy metals and masking one's pheromones, I care that your body odour is assaulting my nostrils. So, just tack it on to the long list of things that give you cancer, and take the risk that you may miss out on finding the love of your life because they were unable to detect your particular musk over the smell of Dove Original. 

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