Friday 13 May 2011

Breakfast the One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Fourth

Peanutbutter & banana smoothie.
Yesterday I got an error page on the BBC website (some momentous piece of news, I forget what already, had overloaded the servers) and this was the image on the page:

Is this not the most sinister thing you've ever seen in your life? I can't say I've ever been a particular fan of clowns, especially not since seeing "It," and the flames in the background add extra menace.

Oddly, it's a malevolent updating of the screen the Beeb used post in the mornings before broadcasting started. It had a little girl seated at a blackboard playing noughts and crosses, and there was a clown in the photo too, if memory serves...

Back in the days when I would rise at dawn, I can remember racing downstairs in the hope of watching some cartoons, and finding the girl and her chalkboard instead. I used to stare at it intently, convinced that if I watched for long enough she would move. She never did.

Gosh, I've just googled it. It's the same clown! And he's called Bubbles. There is a very slim possibility of my not having nightmares tonight.

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