Thursday 31 March 2011

Breakfast the Eighty-First

Doppelganger shreddies & Special K with blackberries.
It's not yet midnight, but surely, surely, this is the Guardian's April Fools' Day article:
"Western diners should get used to the idea of eating insects because by 2020 it is 'inevitable' they will form an important part of our diet, according to the entomologist who heads up the world's first university centre focusing on insects as a food source.

"He argues that consumers who have traditionally turned their noses up at six-legged food may have to change their minds as conventional meat becomes more expensive and scarce."
Wouldn't people just eat more vegetables instead?

My most triumphant April Fools' Day ruse came in my third year at university when I convinced my lovely flatmate that the ceiling in her bedroom had fallen down. There had been a small leak before she left for the Easter hols, so I called her up and told her a tall tale about a ferocious storm and lashings of wind and rain... I didn't string it out too long: didn't seem fair. Obviously though, I have nothing on the people of Panorma and the Spaghetti Harvest of 1957.

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