Friday 4 February 2011

Breakfast the Twenty-Sixth

Muesli, banana & yoghurt.
 Sometimes you really do have to split the infinitive. For example, "The other day I was nipping into the cinema quickly to pick up some tickets."  I suppose I could have said "the other day I was nipping quickly into the cinema to pick up some tickets." Anyway, the point is, the other day, in an attempt to procure some cinema tickets post-haste -- before meeting a friend -- I was thwarted by the non-committal moseying trajectory of a dozy student-type.

Why can't people walk in straight lines? Meandering is for rivers, not people. The only people who should be allowed unpredictable routes are the speedy. Tortoises should choose a line of progress and stick to it. That way we hares may weave about with greater ease. In fact, I think pavements ought to have slow and fast lanes. And if a slow-coach should wander into the fast lane it should be acceptable to clout them with your handbag.


  1. I would split your infinitive any day of the week!, WOW. Sorry for trashing up your delightful blog. I really must be stopped. xoxo
